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SPF Indiana


Glossary of Terms

The modification of evidence-based interventions that have been developed for a single ethnic, linguistic, and/or cultural group for use with other groups.
The selection and incorporation of a prevention program into a service system.
APHA: American Public Health Association
many times used to reference the annual conference
another online resource listing of Evidence Based Programs, Policies, and Practices (EBP's)
CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
a center of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which, through collaboration, creates the expertise, information, and tools that people and communities need to protect their health – through health promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats
The presence of one or more disorders in addition to a primary disorder.
CSAP: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
a center of SAMHSA which provides national leadership in the Federal effort to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
CTC Community Coordinator
the Community Board's and Key Leader's go-to person for CTC system implementation. Their roles include:
  • Provision of staff support
  • Working with the Program Director to coordinate trainings
  • Handle Community Board meeting preparation and follow-up
  • Document the CTC effort
  • Prepare reports, as needed
CTC: Communities That Care a five step prevention planning tool which guides communities through the SPF approach to prevention. The steps are:
  • Phase 1: Getting Started
  • Phase 2: Organizing, Introducing, and Involving
  • Phase 3: Developing a Community Profile
  • Phase 4:  Creating a Community Action Plan
  • Phase 5: Implementing and Evaluating the Community Action Plan
Depressed (Protective Factors)
a factor that's presence within a community is found to be notably low
DFC: Drug Free Communities
a program supporting over 700 drug-free community coalitions across the United States by providing the funding necessary for communities to identify and respond to local substance use problems.
DFI: Governor's Commission for a Drug Free Indiana
an Act of the Indiana General Assembly in an effort to accelerate Indiana's fight against substance abuse
The distribution of program information with the aim of encouraging program adoption in real-world service systems or communities.
DMHA: Division of Mental Health and Addiction
Part of the FSSA which supports network of mental health care providers and Funds addiction prevention and treatment programs
EBP's: Evidence-Based Programs, Policy's, and Practices
Programs, policies, and practices that have been proven effective through research
The impact of a program under conditions which are likely to occur in a real-world implementation.
The impact of a program under ideal research conditions.
Elevated (Risk Factors)
A factor that's presence within a community is found to be notably high 
The study of factors that influence the health and illness of populations.
The cause of a disease or condition.
The systematic collection of information about program activities, characteristics, and outcomes to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and make decisions.
The degree to which an intervention is delivered as designed.
FSSA: Family and Social Services Administration
Indiana's health care and social service funding agency
HHS: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. 
ICJI: Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
represents all components of Indiana's criminal and juvenile justice systems and serves as the state's planning agency for criminal justice, juvenile justice, traffic safety, and victim services.
The process of introducing and using interventions in real-world service settings, including how interventions or programsare adopted, sustained, and taken to scale.
Indiana Youth Survey
an annual survey, coordinated by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center,  which measures alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use by children and adolescents in the state of Indiana
The number, proportion, or rate of occurrence of new cases of a disorder in a population within a specified period of time.
Intervening Variables
Factors that have been identified through research as being strongly related to and influencing the occurrence and magnitude of substance use and related risk behaviors and their subsequent consequences. These variables are the focus of prevention strategies, changes in which are then expected to affect consumption and consequences.
IPGAP: Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program
a project, funded by the Division of Mental Health Addiction and led by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center, which exists to raise the awareness of problem gambling and promote treatment options in Indiana
IPRC: Indiana Prevention Resource Center
DMHA's substance abuse prevention technical assistance contractor which assists Indiana based alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) prevention practitioners in order to improve the quality of their services
LCC: Local Coordinating Council
councils found within all of Indiana's (92) counties that are charged with implementing comprehensive community plans which address substance abuse challenges through treatment, prevention, and enforcement
Mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders
A diagnosable mental orsubstance use disorder.
Mental, emotional, and behavioral problems
Difficulties that may be early signs or symptoms of mental disorders but are not frequent or severeenough to meet the criteria for a diagnosis.
Mental health promotion
Interventions that aim to enhance the ability to achieve developmentally appropriate tasks (developmental competencies) and a positive sense of self-esteem, mastery, well-being, and socialinclusion and to strengthen the ability to cope with adversity.
Mental illness
A condition that meets DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.
NASADAD: National Association of Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors
Many times used to reference the annual meeting
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
A searchable online registry of mental health and substance abuse interventions that have been reviewed and rated by independent reviewers. The purpose of this registry is to assist the public in identifying approaches to preventing and treating mental and/or substance use disorders that have been scientifically tested and that can be readily disseminated to the field. NREPP is a voluntary, self-nominating system in which intervention developers elect to participate.
NIAAA: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
an institute of NIH which provides leadership in the national effort to reduce alcohol-related problems
NIDA: National Institute on Drug Abuse
an institute of NIH which leads the nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
NIH: National Institutes of Health
one of the world's foremost medical research centers, and the Federal focal point for medical research in the United States.
NOMS: National Outcome Measures
Program-level data required for all participants of DMHA Implementation and Family Contract activities. The youth survey is suitable for individuals age 12-17 and the adult survey is for individuals 18 or older.
NPN: National Prevention Network
many times used to reference the annual conference
NREPP: National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices
an online resource listing of EBPs 
The total number of cases of a disorder in a population.
A proactive process that empowers individuals and systems to meet challenges of life events and transitions by creating and reinforcing conditions that promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles.
Prevention infrastructure
The policies, networks, coalitions, resources, professional staff and skills, programs and delivery systems that serve as a foundation for prevention work within a community.
Prevention research
The study of theory and practice related to the prevention of social, physical, and mental health problems, including etiology,methodology, epidemiology, and intervention.
Prevention science
A multidisciplinary field devoted to the scientific study of the theory, research, and practice related to the prevention of social, physical, and mental health problems, including etiology, epidemiology, and intervention.
Prevention strategies
Policies, programs, and practices that promote the well-being of people and reduce the consumption of - and the problems associated with - alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  • Policy - rules, regulations, standards, or laws designed to prevent the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (e.g., 0.08 Blood Alcohol Content laws, keg registration)
  • Program - structured intervention that is designed to change social, physical, fiscal, or policy conditions within a definable geographic area or for a defined population
  • Practices - standard activities that are based on policy and designed to prevent substance abuse (e.g., responsible beverage server training, sobriety checks)
Problem behaviors
Behaviors with negative effects that are often signs or symptoms of mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders that may not be frequent or severe enough to meet the criteria for a diagnosis (e.g., aggressiveness, early alcohol use) but have substantial personal, family, and societal costs.
Protective Factor
 A personal, family, or community characteristic that, alone or in combination with other factors, tends to decrease the likelihood of, or protect against, a youth's involvement with alcohol, tobacco, and/or otherdrugs. Prevention programs should be designed to enhance the influence of protective factors on participating youth.
Qualitative data
Research information that is descriptive but not measured or quantified for statistical analysis.
Qualitative review
A review of research evidence relevant to a research question that does not include new statistical analysis.
Quantitative data
Research information that is measured for statisticalanalysis.
The ability to recover from or adapt to adverse events, life changes, and life stressors.
Risk Factors
Risk factors are characteristics of an individual, family, school, or community environment that are associated with increases in the development of problem behaviors (alcohol and other drug use, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school dropout and violence) among youth and adolescents.
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)  which exists to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities
SEOW: State Epidemiological and Outcome Workgroup
an entity from IUPUI's Center for Health Policy which exists to review the epidemiological profile of substance use and abuse in Indiana.
SPF: Strategic Prevention Framework a community-based approach to prevention which uses a step-by-step process to help communities identify, manage, and evaluate their substance abuse prevention and mental health needs. The steps are:
  • Assessment: Profiling needs and response capacity
  • Capacity: Mobilizing and building needed capacity
  • Planning: Developing a prevention plan
  • Implementation: Using programs, policies, and strategies based on what is known to be effective
  • Evaluation: Considering program effectiveness and sustaining what works well
Substance abuse
The use of alcohol or drugs despite negative consequences.
Substance dependence
The persistent use of alcohol or drugs despite negative consequences, often with a physiological dependence characterized by tolerance and/or symptoms of withdrawal.
Substance use disorder
An inclusive term referring to either substance abuse or substance dependence.
Interventions targeted to individuals who are identified as currently suffering from a diagnosable disorder that are intended to cure the disorder or reduce the symptoms or effects of the disorder, including the prevention of disability, relapse, and/or comorbidity.
TRIP: Tobacco Retailer Inspection Program
state government program designed to systematically monitor the effectiveness of tobacco retail compliance
YRBSS: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
monitors priority health-risk behaviors and the prevalence of obesity and asthma among youth and young adults. The YRBSS includes a national school-based survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state, territorial, tribal, and district surveys conducted by state, territorial, and local education and health agencies and tribal governments