Weighing out the addictive qualities to Marijuana can be a challenge. Anecdotally, Marijuana users say that smoking “weed” isn’t addictive. Conversely, research has shown that there are physical and psychological consequences that are reached when a person does have a dependence on Marijuana. Dependence or addiction to Marijuana is not a certainty. Nevertheless, it is estimated that 1 out of every 9 to 10 Marijuana user develop dependence, or an addiction to Marijuana. Physical dependence Addiction and dependence to a substance is often associated with a significant physical withdrawal process from a drug. Despite the fact that Marijuana use reduction does not commonly show high intensity physical withdrawal symptoms, individuals that are reducing or eliminating use do report withdrawal symptoms. Common withdrawal symptoms are: irritability, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, cravings and anxiety. Psychological dependence Much more commonly reported by Marijuana users, is psychological dependence. Psychological dependence is the presence of the desire to smoke despite health or social consequences, often this desire takes the form of cravings. Craving for Marijuana are common in regular and longtime users. Cravings can be triggered through events, locations, social circles or regular routines where smoking takes place. For instance, if a person smokes before going to bed every night, the bedtime routine may trigger cravings for Marijuana. Other signs of psychological dependence are social consequences. On-going use despite issues of productivity, lowered self-esteem, financial or family ramifications demonstrate psychological dependence. More so than the physical withdrawal symptoms, it is the cravings and psychological dependence that lead a person to use Marijuana again. It is also psychological dependence that is more likely to lead a person to enter treatment.